1345 E 3900 S, UNIT 216 MILLCREEK, UTAH 84124

Drug-Free Pain Relief in Utah

Find Relief for Your Pain Type

Whether you’re suffering from acute or chronic pain or recovering from a sports injury, car accident, or surgical procedure, Pain Free Acupuncture will develop a custom treatment plan to help you regain enjoyment in your activities.

Are you suffering from acute pain?

Acute pain begins suddenly and is often the result of an accident or trauma, which caused damage to the soft tissue. This pain is generally sharper and more severe in nature and is often concentrated around a smaller area. While acute pain usually lasts less than three months, it can be debilitating. Until the soft tissue has been repaired, the pain will persist. Acute pain is part of any healing process; acupuncture assists in accelerating this healing process to restore the soft tissue, thereby relieving the pain sooner.

Or perhaps chronic pain?

Chronic pain is widespread and long-lasting. Instead of the sharp pain associated with acute pain, chronic pain is generally dull and achy. While acute pain is expected after an injury, chronic pain is not a natural part of the healing process; it is often a sign that an injury has not healed properly. Symptoms may sometimes subside, but they always return. Chronic pain can last for years despite medication and physical therapy, which is why many turn to acupuncture for relief.

Is your pain from an activity or sports injury?

Sports injuries – from injury or overuse– can happen to anyone, and they keep us from performing at the level we desire. Each athlete is different; you may be a college athlete who requires quick and intensive therapy to get back on the field before moving into a slower, more thorough healing process at the end of the season; or you may only want to get back into your jogging routine. Either way, acupuncture allows for treatment tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle.

Do you have pain from a car accident?

After a car accident, our muscles and ligaments go into a state of alert. Because your body remembers trauma, the soft tissue often remains in this state. Even after minor accidents in which no serious injuries were sustained, you can still experience intense pain for months or years after the accident. Acupuncture, however, helps the central nervous system relax and eases your soft tissue back into its natural state. After an accident, Personal Injury Protection can cover your medical treatment, including acupuncture. 

Do you have post-surgical pain?

After surgery, it’s normal to experience some pain. However, pain that persists is likely the result of trauma caused by the surgery itself. The tissue has failed to heal, and the resulting pain makes physical therapy difficult and sometimes impossible. Acupuncture heals the area around the healed injury, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, and restores movement and blood flow so that when you start physical therapy, pain won’t block you from true rehabilitation.

Let Us Create Your Custom Acupuncture Plan

After your health history intake, we will develop an individualized treatment plan based on the root cause of your pain. To keep services accessible and affordable I offer the same treatments at a lower cost when purchased as a package of six or twelve sessions.