Acupuncturists have been treating hyperirritable bands of fascia for centuries. Originally ashi points were used, first recorded by Sun Simiao in his Tang Dynasty, Qian Jin Yao Fang (Thousand Ducat Formulas). In the modern era, acupuncturists utilize the knowledge of ashi points and incorporate present-day anatomical and physiological knowledge to address myofascial pain in clinical practice. You will commonly hear this referred to as trigger point acupuncture.
To relieve fascia pain, the tight muscle fascia surrounding the muscle needs to relax. The way that acupuncture addresses this is by eliciting a twitch response. The muscle twitch is an involuntary action that helps the muscle contract and then release, unwinding the fascia rigid and tight around the muscle. This twitch response also allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to flow to the muscle while also relieving tension at the attachment sites, which can cause pain and inflammation.
During an acupuncture treatment, the needle is inserted directly into the belly of the muscle, eliciting the twitch response. Electroacupuncture and cupping may also be utilized to enhance the process and loosen fascia further. In addition to loosening fascia, this type of needling affects the brain, which reduces the perception of pain by the nerves associated with the trigger point. Some common conditions associated with myofascial pain are:
The good news is myofascial pain is very treatable. Treatment often involves a combination of modalities such as stretching, heat, foam rolling, stress management, mindfulness, physical therapy, and acupuncture.
Many people experience occasional muscle tension and pain. If the pain becomes chronic or severe, interferes with sleep, daily activities, or does not alleviate despite efforts to do so, it is important to reach out to your medical providers. There are many treatment options available, and you don’t have to live in chronic pain.
Pain Free Acupuncture specializes in relieving pain using acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities. If you are experiencing myofascial or muscular pain, schedule an appointment online with Rachel or give her a call at 801-903-3905 to be seen at the clinic. We look forward to helping you live a pain-free life!